Tile and Grout Cleaning Services | Daphne Alabama | Absolutely Kleen

This homeowner had been using over-the-counter type products and steam mops to clean her tile floors only to face rapid resoiling. It was probably a combination of things that plagued her efforts but she decided to give us a call to handle this problem for her.
We vacuumed the floors to remove dry particle soil and dust from the surface, grout and crevices, followed by applying a cleaner (already pretested to ensure best results) to liquify to soils, power scrubbed the tile and grout to work the cleaner into all of the nooks and crannies for the best possible outcome and then rinsed with high pressure and heat from our truck-mounted unit to flush and remove all of the soil. We then force dried all of the areas and applied a sealer to the grout.Give Absolutely Kleen a call for a free estimate 251-626-6227 or text us 251-610-7843


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